Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Dude Abides

Like every other individual on the planet, I have an unhealthy obsession with the movie The Big Lebowski; i find any reason I can to use stolen quips in general parlance.  People ask what the fuck I am talking about when I say "yes, the dude abides" and I look at them with sadness and disgust, because clearly they have failed to taste this integral slice of cultural pie.  My response to these situations is typical, I say "shut the fuck up Donnie, you're out of your element," and "am i wrong? am i wrong?"  At which point the conversation goes severely south, and I elect to dabble in a bit of pacifist ideology and drop the whole thing, writing the individual off as a nihilist.

The Big Lebowski is like Rocky Horror Picture Show for my generation - some may call it a cult classic - I call it "the shit."  It's influence reaches far beyond the mere film, it affects the daily lives of many a dudeividiaul, as evidenced above.  So when I found an entire website dedicated to the mentality of "the dude," otherwise known as "Dudeism," I knew that I had found the holy grail of culture.
Naturally, I immediately made myself a white russian and dove into the grand poo-bah of all things dude - and I came across this article - brilliantly written by "Rev." Ed Churchman, an ordained reverend of dudeism (finally a religion I can actually identify with.  Churchman philosophizes on the potential of his "special lady," who is studying to become an accountant, to be a productive member of society, yet still be a dude - being that the stylistic tropes of "the dude" are far from number crunching.  Through a perfectly dude-centric narrative and analysis,  he concludes:
I mean, what I’m trying to say here is that you don’t need to be THE Dude to be a Dude. If my special lady wants to become an accountant, they hell yeah, that can only be a good thing. We need more Dudes out there in the world, in all corners, spreading the good word indeed. The more Dudes that disseminate among the un-chilled masses the better, I say.  A Dudeciple can do a world of good from where he is, but he’s not everywhere. He can touch the hearts of all men, over time, but he’s not, like, omnipresent or anything. Chances are you’ll meet him in the supermarket, or at a bowling alley, but if there’s a Dude in your office every day, that’d make things fucking interesting, man.

This dudette definitely abides.

Check out the full article here:

And a classic scene from the film:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My roommate (whose cat, incidentally, is named The Dude)has a book on The Big Lebowski, and apparently, the real-life Dude is a totally non-lazy individual. He's a successful movie producer or something like that. So this "Rev" fella is right, dudeliness transcends career. Sweet blog post! Am I right? AM I RIGHT?